Since Ken’s death, I have avoided dance music and dancing. I am just not ready – yet. But I love music. People who visit often comment that there is always music playing here. As a kid I chose dance lessons over music lessons.

Since I find myself rebuilding my life, I think about positive things to do and try; I decided learning to play music would be not only enjoyable, but good for my brain and spirit. So I put the word out, and a clarinet came my way!

This beautiful instrument was lovingly purchased for a child and was left at home when the child went to college. Thank you, Anna, for your trust in loaning it to me.

This decision opens a whole new world. First is learning to read music

And there is a whole new set of interesting items I never thought about: reeds, cork grease, and swab.

At first the process was overwhelming – breath, reed, fingers, music. The only time I had to think of so many things at once was when I learned to drive on a car with manual transmission. But even this old dog can learn new tricks!