Since the potter’s death, Keppers Pottery and Produce is closed – permanently. Remaining pottery is at Dancing Bird in Cumberland. For produce, please support a local farmer.
Since the potter’s death, Keppers Pottery and Produce is closed – permanently. Remaining pottery is at Dancing Bird in Cumberland. For produce, please support a local farmer.
When Ken died, nearly five years ago, I realized my life had been very public. There was a huge sign at the end of the drive; people came up the drive and wanted to buy things at all hours. Ken’s pots were in people’s life every day. We had become characters in many people’s stories. I have been building a private, single life. It’s going well. I am content. I am open to possibilities.
A couple weeks ago Big Red died. He was the last domestic animal here, and is missed. I feel fortunate to have lived with husband, draft horses, pigs, sheep, goats, geese, chickens, ducks, dogs and cats – all beings I never expected to have in my life. Now I look forward to a new chapter: maybe travel. Who knows?