Category: looking back
Finishing Up the Photo Sort Project

Here is what is left of photos from two apple boxes of photos and slides. There were so many because we took so many – photos of how we grew food and how Ken made pots – all for marketing. There were also photos from two trips. December 1990 to January 1991 early in our relationship. Ken and I went to Mexico. Looking at the photos made me remember the kindness of a man we …
Has It Really Been Two Years?

This third Sunday in May two years ago I led Ken’s memorial service. It was a beautiful day, and many people came As I recall the day I remember the feelings – first, there is the gratitude at all the people who helped me I felt amazed at how many people came to share the service from so many parts of our lives People of all ages, families, people with walkers and wheelchairs. They all …
My Family’s Woodstock Story

It’s the fiftieth anniversary of Woodstock. No, at 13 I was not there. But I do have a story from the time. My father, a Boston Commuter, picked up a young man hitchhiking with a sign for Woodstock. My savvy dad not only had two teenagers at home, he had in – laws who lived in the quiet, toney town of Woodstock, Vermont. So, Joe Gravel convinced the youth that no, he did NOT want …