Category: Current Events
Such Kindness
News of Ken’s death continues to filter out into the cosmos. Yesterday I received a letter from a woman who had taken a class from Ken. While reading her note tears streamed down my face. “He was not terribly personable, but I saw that he cared a lot that we were learning. The thing that stood out then, and that stuck in my mind, and that brought me to write this letter, is the way …
Oh no! The pin loom project is starting to look a lot like Topsy
On this sunny day I returned to the pin loom project. Although I had already laid out the pieces to determine how I wanted them before joining them, I was interrupted by the coming of a guest who would sleep in that bed. So I pulled them. and in the meantime I found more short pieces of yarn and made more squares. I even made more of the neutral in between squares. But today I …
Gourd Project Progress
Years ago Ken grew some gourds and I made four shekeries – one with clay beads I made, one with wooden beads, one with plastic buttons, and one with semi – precious stones like turquoise, obsidian, howlite. So then Ken grew several gourds for me. but I set them aside after cutting a jagged hole and removing the seeds so they would not rot. After Ken’s death I spent time cleaning the house to make …
The Warm Up for Weaving
Long ago I bought some loopers for a potholder loom – probably before Ken died in 2017. After Ken died I just couldn’t weave; I would sit and stare into space, or cry or weave all uneven. After I knit a bunch of necks for friends, I bought a pin loom and started weaving small squares on a 3’x3″ loom. I have laid them out but haven’t decided on the pattern and how I want …
Winter Seems to Be Here Early
Most years we have a frost in September, warm, sunny days in October, and then a grey month of November before winter arrives. This year September was warm and very wet, October cloudy and rainy and now in November we are experiencing typical December or January weather. The geese pull up their feet and sleep in a group. Here is the view out my window after our first snow!
After the Farmers Market
Although the farmers markets here have ended, I am still gleaning and preserving. These slightly blemished peppers came from a farmer friend. I offered to clean and chop, bag and keep a portion and give back a portion so I could have more than I had bought and frozen over the season. Peppers are marvelous. Ripe bell peppers have vitamin C. They are a joy to chop, and don’t need blanching before freezing. So Saturday …
Back Again, Back Again, Jiggity Jig
Just flew back from Arizona, and boy are my arms tired. Groan. I did go visit my parents in sunny Arizona, and missed the first snow of the season. This is an old photo that Ken took of me by Jerome some years back I didn’t bring my camera this trip. My parents are camera shy and I need to lose weight. As nice as it was to see them it was nice to get …
Progress on the Storm Damage
Remember that huge Basswood that came down in the big storm? Well, this week all the calls to adjuster, bids on job, etc came together as Mr. Smith came to Keppers Pottery He started with the top of the tree and there is a pile of fire wood. Then he started down to the trunk. More fire wood He cut the trunk into lengths we can split for the wood stoves Here is Loyal to …