Loyal and I have been learning how much food we need to grow and preserve. We eat some meals together, some apart, and some shared with friends. I offered to freeze corn and he bought some from our friends Josh and Rama at Turnip Rock Farm. Then I got out Ken’s food preservation bible – duct taped together
It has times for blanching, times for canning – so much helpful information. I last froze corn in the summer of 2017 when Ken was sick. It was the first time I had done it alone. It was good to have done this with Ken who had experience, and it was nice to do it without Ken telling me how to do it once I had learned!
First I shucked the corn and boiled it for six minutes. I didn’t want to put in so many ears the water cooled.
Then it needs to be chilled to keep it from continuing to cook
Then I cut it off the cob
The cobs are big; the yield is pretty small
Bag it up, press out the air, seal, and freeze
Done for now. It went well.