The Sun Has Power

Since Groundhog Day the sun has more and more power. Today, even with wind and cold temperatures, I caught all the animals basking in the sun. The cat, Big Red, chose to sit outside on the south windowsill. The geese chose the end of the walk, and with the snow piles on either side they were mostly out of the wind. Oscar was on the other end of the font walk by the house. He …

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Like the Groundhog

Each year around Groundhog Day, the sun begins to have strength, and the earth starts to waken. Several cultures have names for this time – Candlemas, St Brigid’s, St Blaze’s, Imbolc, and Groundhog Day. Like the Groundhog we all feel it – plants and animals Most people recognize the times of solstice and equinox. Old cultures also recognize that magic time between – February, May (May Day), August (Assumption, Lughnasa) and Halloween. This is when …

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Spring Really Is Here!

It was a long winter.  April was an amazing month.  The start had nights in the single digits – unseasonably cold.  The middle had major snow storms of heavy wet snow – sometimes in excess of a foot.  And the end had a day that reached eighty degrees in the nearby Twin Cities of St Paul and Minneapolis.  When the first snow crocus popped open I was glad to see them     Then the …

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