A little over a week ago I had an unexplained fever at bedtime. The next morning I awoke with a temperature of 98.3. In the old days – four months ago – I would have happily proceeded with my day. Friends my age and older pushed me to get a covid – 19 test. I did the screening and results also suggested a test.

A call to the clinic led to an online site for an appointment for testing. The test was not so bad as anticipated. Waiting for the results made me rethink my version of opening. How much do I really need to go out? Do I want to be responsible for spreading this to more vulnerable people? Meanwhile I played the clarinet and waited.

Tests results were negative. What started as a fever led me to gratitude, feeling lucky and wanting to lead a more home bound existence. Whether I catch this or not, I don’t want any feeling that my movements were unnecessary or frivolous