Today is a difficult day. Ken died December 19, 2017 around 7:30 a.m. – two years ago today. He had just returned home the night before he died. It had been a difficult night for him. After a bath with lavender oil, he never made his way back to bed. He died in his studio. At home.

As deaths go it was a good one and as he wanted – at home with me and a friend present, no drugs.

People often ask how am I doing. I really do not know how to answer that question. Compared to what? What I would like? Compared with how badly I could be doing?

I miss him. I expect I always shall miss him. After two years I can move forward without feeling disloyal. Some days are hard: his birthday, our anniversary, even my birthday. Today, the second anniversary of his death, was one of them. I am grateful for the friends and all the support I have received