Taking on Tasks Ken Did – Starting Seeds

Ken and I formed a team.  People are often surprised at areas where our skills did not overlap.  Ken loved planting seeds.  And he had his set up on the lower level adjacent to the pottery studio.  A few years ago he built a germination cabinet.



Ken started each season with the onion seeds.  On a trip to the root cellar I could walk by and see him planting.  Sometimes we’d discuss what we would have for lunch and what time would be good for him to break up the day.  His huge, strong hands could easily handle the smallest and roundest seeds.  It was a wonder to watch as we talked



With Ken’s death, I tried to plant.  And I sat with tears streaming down my face wondering if the soil was too dry or wet, if I was planting too shallow or deep, and what temperature was optimum.  I planted the onions, and they came up. 




And then I called Ken’s sister Anna, who also loves planting seeds. She came out to help.  It went much better with her.  There were some tears, but also laughter and fond memories to share. 





The greens are coming up and the first of the tomatoes.  I am still waiting for the peppers and curcurbits – squash and cucumbers and melons.  Thank you, Anna

One Comment:

  1. Dear Judith- Phil and I just returned to Amery this week and just now heard of Ken’s passing. It came as such a shock to us. We feel the loss of Ken, and can only imagine how difficult his absence is for you.

    I have been catching up on your blogs – they are precious. I am a praying woman and will pray that you have the strength necessary for the spring tasks ahead. I know you are “durable” but hope you take time for necessary rest.

    We look forward to seeing you on the Earth Arts Tour if not before, and possibly on May 20. We cherish our memories of Ken and his enthusiasm for all things wholesome, growing and beautiful and his boundless curiosity.

    Mary (and Phil) Olson

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