As we headed to lock down here, I realized I wasn’t going to see some of my favorite people – farm kids. And they would be home trying to stay engaged with school work and avoid boredom. So, the idea of “distraction packets” was born.

Creating these packets was fun and I avoided boredom as well. The first week I sent a mailer with a sheet of postcard stamps and a bunch of postcards from Ken’s extensive collection. He bought postcards each time we traveled or visited a museum.

The second week included origami and copy paper with paper airplane and some origami instructions.
The third week ( no photos) brought a small box with materials for tin can and paper cup telephones

Then I thought up making a “bored game.” I asked a friend who had a toy store if he had dice and at least one pair that was large enough for a child under three.

I realized I would need place holders so I dyed some wooden spools with fountain pen ink

My friend Tom sent not only dice, but also marbles and instructions and some other things. I made two sets of small fabric bags – one for marbles and one for the game pieces.

Yesterday I got the games and marbles and other assorted treats in boxes and Jim the mailman picked them up for me!

I am not sure what to do for the next packet. I have had so much fun, and hope the recipients have, too