Greetings from the Garden! This week’s CSA box has lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, garlic, potatoes, carrots or beets, and herbs
Field Notes Ken cleared up areas of the garden and fields and transplanted several flats of greens since last week. As the days shorten he fits in all the harvesting – there are still tomatoes, cukes, summer squash, and other crops that require regular and frequent picking. With the heat he tends to get out early and take a break in the heat of the day, and resume once it cools off late afternoon.
From the Kitchen Both of us headed in different directions Friday – Ken went to Amery for a beekeeping workshop and I attended a weaving class at the Textile Center in Minneapolis. I brought garlic a friend had ordered and he made us a simple supper of pasta tossed with garlic cooked in olive oil and fresh basil and parsley – so green and fresh! Saturday Ken offered dinner to the bee keeping presenter and made a fresh tomato sauce with sauteed onion and garlic also with basil and parsley with a creamy cole slaw on the side. Even after the end of “calendar summer” these are still treats. As the day shortens I know there will be an end of fresh tomatoes and basil, so I enjoy every bit I have now
‘Til Next Week, Judith and the Gang