Year: 2016
Winter Squash in Racks

Ken likes to wait for frost to harvest winter squash for two reasons: the vines and leaves die back so the squash is easier to find, and many people believe a frost hardens the shell and sweetens the flavor. Ken got two loads of squash in the yard. I got the onions and garlic out of the racks and he put the squash into the racks.
Harvest Newsletter

Greetings from the Garden! This week’s CSA box has salad and braising greens, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets, tomatoes, peppers, red onions and leeks, and herbs. Field Notes. We had frost, so Ken has brought in the winter squash and set it on the racks – temporary storage until it is so cold we move it inside for the winter Yesterday Ken moved both portable coops. I helped him catch some turkeys to clip wings – …
Harvest Newsletter

Greetings from the Garden! This week’s CSA box has tomatoes, potatoes, beets, peppers, onions or leeks, greens, daikon radish, sweet potatoes and herbs Field Notes. Ken has started in on fall tasks – he tilled the area where garlic will planted. He has started the preparation for moving the mobile high tunnel over the fall greens. and expanded the pig area. He is crossing items off that to do …
Squash this Year
Moving the Mobile High Tunnel Prep
Pigs get new space
Fall Tasks – Garlic Prep
Harvest Newsletter

Greetings from the Garden! This week’s CSA box has tomatoes, potatoes, greens and lettuce, peppers, onions or leeks, beans, salad turnips, cabbage and herbs. Field Notes. Brr, it feels like fall is here; the wind has a bite to it. Ken has such a long to do list he isn’t sure where to begin! He is planting for fall, picking heat loving crops, digging roots, and soon he will be getting …
New coop has Residents!

Ken completed his smaller portable coop for the tweens! Last night we moved chickens: cockerels to the north coop. Ken found that a group of males without a female in their midst form a gang with a pecking order, but they don’t fight. Then the pullets went to the new portable coop Here is his new coop with many great features: There is the bird door with …