Greetings from the Garden! This week’s CSA box has tomatoes, potatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, garlic, cabbage. greens, parsley, and basil
Field Notes Ken has been cultivating adding compost and mulch to the area next to the mobile high tunnel. This will add organic matter and fertility when the tunnel is moved to that location. He has also been planting, weeding, and of course, picking. either of us need to go to the gym – we move vegetables!
I left the farm Saturday and returned Sunday evening. I went to a workshop for the psoas, a long muscle that goes from just under the last of the ribs by the spine to the front of the hip. I was right that this is a part of the puzzle to regaining my health. I am grateful to Sarah for suggesting it and to Evan and Sarah hosting me Saturday night. It was wonderful to visit another part of the state and see a different co-op, farming operation, and come back home.
We also attended the Spooner Ag station’s annual twilight tour. It is a great opportunity to hear information from various members of the UW Extension from around the state and see and taste the varieties that succeed in Spooner – a colder area than our farm. We have learned from speakers and found new varieties in past years – a good working get away.
From the Kitchen. Summer produce is here. Each meal has several vegetables. Last week on harvest day while I was rinsing and sorting produce, Ken rounded up all the blemished vegetables and created all the following: cucumber salad with Walla Walla onions, cole slaw with cabbage, Walla Wallas, carrots and raisins, tomato salad, cream soup with potato, onion, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. Last night he made eggplant and pepper kinpira style. And when I got home from Viroqua, he had made a German style potato salad with potato, onion, garlic, and a vinaigrette dressing.
This is also the time of year to think ahead. Last year Ken froze chopped ripe bell peppers and I used them frequently with great results. They do not need blanching. He dried some hot peppers for later use. We set aside and sell tomatoes with small blemishes for canning. We get orders for chard to freeze for winter quiche and soups. And there is basil and garlic to make pesto.
‘Til Next week, Judith and the Gang