Fall Task: Rendering Lard

When the weather gets cold and I am running the cook stove, I also render lard. It used to be from our pigs; now I get it from my friend Josh, and keep some and return some rendered lard to Josh. Last year Loyal rigged up this handy cutter. And both then and this year he chopped the lard for me The cook stove is ideal as it is a large, low heat surface. So …

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Rendering Lard

Part of raising pork is rendering lard.  Well rendered lard is a wonderful fat.  One can use less than most oils and it takes heat well.  It is marvelous in making pastry, especially pie crust.  One heats the fat at a low temperature; some people use a crock pot or a simmer burner.  We use the oven.   Once the fat reaches 255 degrees any water or liquid has evaporated and the fat is pure. …

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