Finding Continuity in Baking Bread

As I re-construct my life as a single person I search for continuity.  Swimming with distance goals is one aspect. Baking bread is another.  Ken left me a sourdough starter and a friend, Sylvia brought it back to life and showed me how she bakes bread.  I shall be always grateful. Baking bread, like any skill takes practice.  After a few months of practice, I was not satisfied.  Then I ran out of my regular …

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Pets Rule

It rained last night.  It is cool, cloudy, and damp.  I was thinking about staying inside today, making bread, working on sorting paper,  and maybe taking a nap.  Once I fed the dog, cat, and chickens I headed over to make my bed.  Oscar and Big Red had claimed turf for napping and were giving me the Do Not Disturb looks. So I left them. After getting the bread dough mixed, I checked on them; …

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Wood Progress

Last year Ken cleaned up some older logs on the driveway; since he had not gotten the sawmill up and running the wood had gotten old.  Now it was no longer lumber grade – only good to burn.  He cut the logs in lengths that could be split for the side stoke holes on the pottery kiln – 40 – 42.”   Then the splitter was giving him trouble.  And his health was also giving …

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