More Changes – Open Space on the Main Floor

Ken and I had a large cooler by the front door.  It contained produce for sale.  Since I am not raising or selling produce any more, it seems foolish to keep it.  Friends can use it.  They came Saturday to move it out and take it to their farm.  Thank you.  I hope it works for them as well as it did for us all these years       The next thing was to …

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Opening Space for a New Use – Downstairs

Ken and I raised chickens and pork.  Now I just have a very few chickens for eggs.  We had a freezer for produce like strawberries and green beans and two smaller ones for meat in the fall when we had chickens, pork, and sometimes venison or beef.     When Ken died I realized one person – the less active at that – would not need all this food.  And if I went through it …

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Many people have offered to help.  I forgot who and with what.  Here is what I need: someone to start a working splitter and help split half a trailer of wood.       AND someone to buzz 40″ wood that does not need splitting into cook stove lengths Thank you to everyone who has helped so far.

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