Reducing Screen Time with Some Help from a Friend

Now that I live alone, I spend more time on the phone and in front of screens. Sometimes, I confess, I eat a meal while I read email. Recently a little furry friend has taken to napping on the chair by the computer. It may just be the right chair or the right temperature (the sun has gotten hot in the last week), but I take the opportunity to question whether I need to sit …

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Lots of Dough (not money)

Ken left me sourdough starter. My bread baking days in the 70’s included yeast. So I asked around and Sylvia graciously got me started. I enjoy making bread. I enjoy sharing bread. People seemed to like my bread. One only gets better by practicing – and I had lined up eaters for the practicing! This week I decided to branch out from bread to pizza dough. One part of my goal to practice dough is …

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New Suit, New Plan

Well, the old swimsuit died. And with the new one I have shifted to swimming twice a week instead of three times. But each trip includes more laps. I am opening my schedule as there are more activities in Spring and summer. But with a bum knee, swimming is the BEST!

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