Clearing and Sorting – Looks Worse Before it Gets Better

In 2014 Ken bought tubs and built the shelves so I could store rags for rugs in a more organized manner.  I filled tubs and people gave me more and more rags.  I started saying no to more rags. Part of my mourning  Ken’s death, and starting a life without him is sorting and cleaning.  I find I want to clear the house and then introduce things back as needed or wanted.  Space has become …

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The Red Gas Can Story

Since we had an open drive on highway eight, Ken and I were often caught off guard by unexpected customers and visitors.  We could be in the garden or having a meal – you get the idea.  We had a outdoor bath.  And once, after taking a bath, Ken, with his towel around his neck , rounded the corner of the house to greet a familiar couple with me shopping for pots.  Like Adam, he …

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Privacy and Understanding, Please

Right now I need privacy.  This is a dramatic shift from decades of having an open drive and people coming at all hours to buy pottery and produce.  Examples include people choosing a wedding gift by car headlights for the next day,  people arriving at 7 a.m. for pottery shopping because it is the last hour of their vacation and they need to drive several hours to get home,  a man coming at 7 p.m. …

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