Since the potter’s death, Keppers Pottery and Produce is closed – permanently. Remaining pottery is at Dancing Bird in Cumberland. For produce, please support a local farmer.
Last night a storm came through the area. I had checked the forecast and radar map, and I really thought it was going north of me. But then a siren went off and the news listed the county three miles east as a tornado warning Rain started pouring in the French doors on the south side of the house. I decided it was time to batten down the hatches. So, once that was done, the …
Since the potter’s death, Keppers Pottery and Produce is closed – permanently. Remaining pottery is at Dancing Bird in Cumberland. For produce, please support a local farmer.
After watching a couple episodes of Pride and Prejudice on Public television, I decided to request more Colin Firth videos through inter library loan. Tonight as I watched Bridget Jones’ Diary, I realized Ken was my Darcy – awkward socially, beyond reproach in integrity, and kind in deed. And I remembered a Ken story. After contra dancing one night we met for dinner. I guess it was our first date. At one point Ken seemed …