This Old Dog is Learning New Tricks!

Friday I took a social media marketing class. Although I can limp along on some venues, I wanted to learn the strengths of various options.  I also wanted to learn how to improve what I was already doing. I  enjoy posting quotes from various favorite authors.  Sometimes they echo my thoughts, and often they say it better than I would.  Judging by people’s reactions they also like when I post favorite quotes. I learned about …

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Root Cellaring Begins!

Each fall we move produce from the field, sort and store several crops for winter use: potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, kohlrabi, rutabagas in the root cellar, and squash, onions, and garlic in cool, dry storage.  Yesterday I started burying roots in sand.  We find they store best if taken from soil, trimmed and placed in barrels with sand as quickly as possible.  When we dig them out each winter harvest day they as close to …

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Leaves Wanted

Leaves form one part of Ken’s compost. Ken mixes several components; it all depends on what is available.  He always has poultry bedding, leaves, and hay or straw. Some years he has used horse manure, rabbit manure, and parts of lake bogs or weeds. He puts up his sign and people can bring leaves and empty bags for reuse or leave us leaves in the bags and Ken can use them that way.  Most people …

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