Recipe Ideas Bok Choy

Bok choy, a member of the cabbage family is available just before cabbage forms heads.  It is the original ingredient in chop suey.  I often use it in a stir fry as either  or a side dish or with meat and rice. Today’s midday meal was a side salad, a bok choy stir fry, reheated white rice, and a pork stir fry.  I set up some small dishes and start chopping.  First onion     …

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Harvest Newsletter

Greetings from the Garden!  This week’s CSA box has summer spinach, chard, kale, mixed brassica greens, beet thins, bok choy, green onions, rutabagas, and herbs – parsley and marjoram and the last of the strawberries     Field Notes.  Ken has been planting and weeding.  He plants some crops like greens throughout the season.  Others like peppers he plants and transplants once. As the plants grow he keeps the plants ahead of the weeds so …

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Ken’s Fourth Batch of Chicks This Season

We have hens for eggs.  In the past we did a combination of buying day old chicks and encouraging broody hens to hatch out a clutch of chicks.  A few years back the price of day old chicks straight run (a mixture of male and females – it’s cheaper) rose to nearly $4 per chick!  Ken got serious about setting up a successful breeding situation.  Last summer he had a series of batches of chicks …

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