Spring Progresses to Summer

The days are lengthening; summer approaches.  Ken has been excited that we have been getting rain; the same rain has kept him busy keeping his crops ahead of the weeds.  Once the soil is no longer wet and gummy, Ken  cultivates; it is easiest when the weeds are small, not once they are large enough to require bending and pulling!.  Most sunny days, he announces, “It’s a fine day for slaying weeds!”  He continues to …

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Freezing Spinach

The spinach season varies each year with weather.  Spinach, like most greens, does best in cool damp weather.  With the sharp weather changes in spring, there is a time when the plant leaves get thinner and smaller as the plant starts to shift energy from making leaves to producing seed.  When growers say bolt, this is what they mean.  The plant has shifted its energy, and it is only a matter of time until the …

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Harvest Newsletter

Greetings from the Garden!  This week’s CSA box has lettuce, spinach, salad and braising greens, Napa cabbage, green onions, radishes, herbs, and asparagus. Field Notes.  Ken has been juggling tasks around rain.  After a couple days of dry weather he gets out and cultivates the garden, field, and around the mobile high tunnel. Once we got the last of the perennial flowers out of the loop on the drive, Ken moved the hens down near …

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